Tuesday 2 September 2014

Our Dining Room - Operation Turkey

Behind these doors is our dining room.  Its hard to believe we have only been in our living room for a year.  The dining room is our next big project, Papa Owl and Grandmadad have been doing bits of work on it for, well, probably the 3 years that we have owned the house.  Things picked up speed this year though when Grandmadad announced last Christmas that he was "getting too old for all this cooking turkey business" and so Operation Turkey commenced!
This is the view from the other side of the door.  Operation Turkey isn't going so well.  We are now working on Operation Turkey +1.
And this is what the rest of the room looks like.  Actually, I took this photo this morning, this evening there is even less floor.  The plaster in the corner all had to come off as the damp was so bad.  That was ages ago now, possibly 3 years ago, and the damp has been solved and the wall is drying out.
The ceiling  fell down 3 years ago, not long after we bought the house.  The old central heating pipes ran above there and we think there was a slow leak over many years.  Luckily this fell down before we had moved in but until we get it fixed, we can't decorate the 'green room' above.

There is one bit of the room that we are happy with though - our fireplace.  The original fireplace had been removed decades ago and we were left with a blank wall.  We couldn't believe our luck when we found this! 

So that's our dining room, Operation Turkey +1 is well and truly underway!


  1. I love a good project! I hope you get finished in time for your Christmas dinner x #binkylinky

  2. Very exciting!I have just had a new bedroom :) #binkylinky


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